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Writer's pictureMarissa McCallam

2020 got me like Popeye...

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

3 weeks ago I bought canned spinach.

I'd never done it before.

It wasn't panic buying, more anticipation of empty fresh vegetable fridges.

As it sat in my cupboard, awaiting artistic integration into a YouTube recipe, I was reminded that the only other person I had ever seen excited by canned spinach was Popeye.

In almost every episode, the burly sailor would encounter calamity. Head down, weakened by the severity of his environment we were led to believe, just for a moment, that he had nothing left.

Then, he would be reminded by his faithful Olive Oil of the spinach.

At your weakest point, when you think everything has failed, you have a hidden reserve.

Prior to Covid, 2020 was already challenging me to call upon my resilience. My can of inner resource.

Everybody has it but sometimes it gets forgotten. It's easy to feel claustrophobic when remaining in your household. The perceived shrinking of your environment causing focus on the negative but, in this time of reflection and re-prioritising, you can:

Draw from that reserve, gain strength and succeed in your situation.

Maybe you just need an Olive Oil in your life?

I'm happy to oblige.

If you want help finding that reserve, get in touch - you may be surprised where it's been stored all of this time.

Wishing Only Love,

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